
To Be



Over the years, we children of God have allowed ourselves and consequently the church to be used by politicians and political parties; the church has become so entrenched in politics that political parties try to outdo themselves in their claim to God. The Church has become so involved in politics that political candidates lay claim to ‘biblical values’ as a political score point. The church is almost at a place where some people do not even know when faith ends and politics begins. We have been dragged into the political play-field that there is hardly any distinction between political parties and the church. The situation is splitting the church into sides and have resulted in fallout among God’s children. Mostly, it has affected our ability as God’s children to win others to Christ.

We are at the point now where there is a need to take stock of what exactly is the role of the Church in politics and where we as God’s Church need to take a stand for what that is! Daniel was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in while facing the risk of the lion’s den. Neither should we be afraid to stand for the truth of God’s word, no matter how unpopular or risky it might be in today’s world.

DARE TO BE A DANIEL : Have you ever wondered where the Church stands in government? Ever wondered what is the role of the Church in politics? In the book dare to be a Daniel, you will find answers that line up with God’s word and shed light on the role and stance of God’s children in the world today.